The Maine Young Birders Club is dedicated to fostering an interest in birding and natural history in children and young adults. Through bird walks, “naturalist ramblings,” workshops, presentations, and other activities, the Maine Young Birders Club seeks to get youth outside in a fun and safe way by allowing them to learn about their natural surroundings with other like-minded youth.

If you are 11-18 years old and are interested in learning more about the natural world around you, please consider joining us!

Membership Information:

  • Youth: if you are an 11-18 year-old, the cost of membership is $20/year. You will get to come on 12 exciting field trips, and you will receive trip reports, as well as the joy of connecting with other young birders. There may also be opportunities for scholarships to young birder camps and other events.

  • Supporting adult: membership is $20/year. Your contribution will help us develop enriching programs for our young birders.

Please fill out this form below for more information.  Please also print & sign this WAIVER and bring it with you to your first outing MYBC event.

Existing & New Members can pay your annual dues at the bottom of the page.

pay your Annual Youth Membership Dues
Pay Your Annual Supporting Adult Dues