by Britney Fox
MYBC was assigned Section 1 of the Biddeford/Kennebunk CBC and with a good number of birders signed up and a lot of ground to cover, we split into two teams. Team 1 covered large swaths of Saco and some of Old Orchard Beach whereas Team 2 primarily covered Saco Heath, Dunegrass Golf Club, and Guild Park. Team 1 found 46 species with 1,110 individual birds seen and Team 2 (consisting of 2 young birders) spotted 33 species with 340 individuals seen, including a winter wren!
Team 1 started the day off at 7:00 AM at the Saco McDonald’s with six Maine Young Birders in a convoy of two cars. The weather seemed promising with lots of cloud cover but no forecasted precipitation and fairly mild temps for a late December morning. We started off the trip counting many crows, herring gulls, and feral rock pigeons as was to be expected.
Our first notable sighting was an immature bald eagle perched out in a tree visible right by our first stop at the bridge overlooking the Saco River on Rt. 5. The river was fairly frozen over from the cold temps we experienced last week but we did pick up a couple of common goldeneyes, mallards, and black ducks. Along our way, we saw some red-tailed hawks and then spotted a beautiful red-shouldered hawk perched in a small tree relatively close to the road where we got really nice looks of this very handsome bird. Our next highlight was a beautiful barred owl perched alongside Industrial Park Rd. near the Saco Public Works.
After a quick lunch at Wendy’s, we said goodbye to a few members of the team, consolidated to one car, and welcomed a MYBC alum joining us on the next leg of the trip. Our afternoon highlights included pileated woodpecker, brown creeper, and hermit thrush while birding Curran Rd. and Cascade Park. Next, we encountered an extremely vocal and cooperative Cooper’s hawk perched atop a utility pole who was successful at getting the attention of everyone nearby. We made a quick stop at Old Orchard Beach where we picked up some of the expected sea ducks and our last stop at the Rachel Carson NWR at Goosefare Brook yielded two unexpected American Pipits. A wonderful pick up before we headed back to McDonald’s where we tallied our findings for the day and then five of the young birders headed out to attend the compilation in Cape Porpoise. Overall, we had a banner day for raptors and another fun and successful MYBC outing!
If you are interested in seeing all of the birds found in section 1 of this CBC, please see the links below for both team’s eBird trip reports:
Team 1 CBC Trip Report Section 1 MYBC
Team 2 CBC Trip Report Section 1 MYBC
Our next outing will be owling down at Parker River and the surrounding areas where we will hopefully spot snowy, short-eared, and eastern screech owls. Stay tuned for details about how to join us. Until then… happy birding!