Hooray for Mt. A!

By Seth Davis

On Saturday, October 21st, two young birders led our team around Mt. Agamenticus and the Center for Wildlife, and we had a blast!  Despite it being the tail end of fall migration and having slightly unfavorable winds, we had a pretty “birdy” day.

Some of the highlights on the mountain included Red-bellied and Pileated Woodpeckers, a close interaction with a mixed flock of Black-capped Chickadees, Golden- and Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and a Brown Creeper. After hiking around, we came upon some fallen logs and decided to perch on them for a while.  As we rested, we exchanged nature stories about our personally memorable encounters with wildlife.  We left our mark on Mt. A in the form of some MYBC graffiti.  (Don’t worry!  We used pieces of charcoal that we found to draw the silhouettes of birds and tracks on some rocks.  These will wash off in the rain soon.)  We “topped” it all off with a hawk watch at the peak of Mt. A, where we spotted 12 Turkey Vultures and 5 Red-tailed Hawks.

We then drove to the base of Mt. A. to the Center for Wildlife, where we did a self-guided tour. This was a fun experience, since we got close-up views of awesome wildlife like a Long-eared Owl, Merlin, Porcupine, and some Painted Turtles!  We also learned about how the Center for Wildlife cares for sick and injured animals.  (As we were walking around, we also had three Common Ravens fly overhead, croaking loudly.)  Toward the end of the tour, one of the staff—Sarah Kern—was kind enough to bring out one of their ambassador Peregrine Falcons, Freyja, and she fed her a quail and a couple of mice.  Watching this majestic falcon feed at such a close distance was simply incredible.  Sarah shared with us a wealth of information about Peregrine Falcon ecology and behavior, and she answered our many questions.  Thank you, Sarah, and the Center for Wildlife, for being the highlight of our day for all the hard work you do to help wildlife.

Our full eBird list can be found here. Thanks to our two young birders, Brendan and Anna, for making the day super fun and reminding us how a walk in the woods can be so rejuvenating and uplifting.

It's Shorebirding Time!

By Lena Moser

Today five young birders headed out onto the sand and waves to look for migrating shorebirds.  We are proud to admit that we did not go home empty-handed!  (Or is it "empty-binoculared"?)

Highlights included Sanderlings, Dunlin, Black-bellied Plovers, and a Short-billed Dowitcher on the Basket Island causeway at Hills Beach.  A female Belted Kingfisher also put on a show, hovering in place for long periods of time as she honed in on the fish she wanted to catch in the tide pools below.  Local birder Pat Sanborn pointed out a raft of nearby Green-winged Teal.  We loved seeing their bright green specula (colorful secondary feathers) glistening in the sun.  When we were done birding at Hills Beach, we relaxed and ate our lunches in the Park in the Pines as Cedar Waxwings serenaded us with their high-pitched calls.  After the brief rest, though, we were eager to continue our shorebirding adventure.

Next, we headed down Mile Stretch Road to South Point Sanctuary, where we were greeted by a flock of over 7 Black-and-white Warblers, a Magnolia Warbler, Red-eyed Vireo, American Redstart, and a loudly-calling Northern Flicker.  Coming off the boardwalk, onto the beach, we scanned the rack of seaweeds for peeps and were grateful to birder Richard for helping us find the Western Sandpiper: a rare visitor that was a lifer for all the young birders!  Of course, that made everyone's day.

Fortunes Rocks Beach also rewarded us with great looks at a White-rumped Sandpiper and a couple of Laughing Gulls.  Unfortunately, we also saw an injured Herring Gull with a broken/bloody wing... the sight of which made us all a bit sad because we knew this bird wasn't going to make it very long.  Micah Pietraho spotted a Red-necked Grebe with his sharp eyes, and we had to work hard to get good looks at that bird because it preferred diving to swimming.  We couldn't believe how many Northern Gannets were out on the ocean... we counted over 30, including a couple that flew in very close to shore.  One individual floated on the water for a while, affording excellent scope views.  A flock of White-winged Scoters flew past us quickly, but the large rafts of Common Eiders floated about lazily and were easy to enjoy.

Before calling it a day, we stopped at Great Pond, where we saw a young Black-crowned Night-Heron and a sleeping male Wood Duck, who presented quite the identification puzzle at first.  A good-sized flock of Snowy Egrets showed off their plumes as they preened in the trees, and a Spotted Sandpiper wobbled along the exposed mud bank.  We found some ripe blackberries nearby and enjoyed a sweet treat to boot!  

What a fabulous day of birding it was.  Conclusion: shorebirding is awesome!  Let's do everything we can to protect and care for our shorebirds, whose habitats and ways of living are continually under threat from habitat destruction, pollution, dogs-off-leash, climate change, and hunting.  We know there is hope for the future, especially with more educated and caring young birders out and about ;)

Sunset Puffin Cruise

By Lena Moser

On Saturday, July 15th, seven young birders and their families set out on the Maine Audubon puffin cruise to Eastern Egg Rock.  This tiny, 7-acre island is famous for being the most easily-accessible Maine island for observing nesting Atlantic Puffins.  We were well-rewarded with fabulous looks at puffins up-close, including a couple that flew right over the boat!  Laughing Gulls were abundant, as were Common Terns, though we picked out a few Roseate Terns, too.  Other highlights were a Bonaparte's Gull, Bald Eagles, a young Northern Gannet, and some cool mammals like Harbor Porpoise and over one-hundred Harbor Seals!  Everyone left the trip happy, especially since the puffin was a "lifer" (a first-time-seen) bird for many.

A big thank you to Maine Audubon for sponsoring this trip for the young birders and club coordinators.  Also thanks to naturalist Doug Hitchcox for adeptly navigating children, parents, wildlife spotting, and announcing/interpreting  - all at the same time!  We appreciated his excellent leadership on this trip.

The full eBird checklists for our trip can be found below.

New Harbor to Eastern Egg Rock

Eastern Egg Rock

Eastern Egg Rock to Franklin Island to New Harbor

Photos by Lena Moser and Nathan Hall.

Kids "Birding Blitz" at the Acadia Birding Festival

By Lena Moser

Billy Helprin (Director of the Somes-Meynell Wildlife Sanctuary on Mt. Desert Island) and Lena Moser guided a walk for young birders at the Acadia Birding Festival in early June.  They were joined by 16 kids and their teachers from a local elementary school.  What a fun, memorable bird walk it was!

View bird checklist here.  

Images and video by Lena Moser and Sue Shaw.

Canada Goose goslings cause quite the excitement

Young Birder Outreach in Nicaragua

By Lena Moser

On May 22-31, Lena Moser traveled to Nicaragua with a group of students from the University of New England.  The students were all members of ImmUNE: International Medical Missions at UNE, an undergraduate club devoted to bringing healthcare to impoverished communities in Latin America.  (Lena Moser served as the travel advisor for this student club.)

While in Nicaragua, Lena took every opportunity to introduce kids to birding in the local communities.  The children of these small, rural villages had never held a pair of binoculars before, nor had they seen a field guide.  Once they were introduced to binoculars, however, they were hooked!  For them it was nothing short of magical to see birds up close.  The boys in the village of Pochocuape wanted to see every bird possible, which turned a short stroll into a multi-hour adventure across the entire village!  They sought out Tropical Kingbirds, Clay-colored Robins, Rufous-naped Wrens, Great Kiskadees, Groove-billed Anis, Ruddy Ground-Doves, and other common species.  Each time a new bird was spotted, the boys enthusiastically flipped through the field guide to identify the species.  They taught Lena the Spanish names of their favorite birds, and they asked her to return again one day with the "binoculares increibles" (incredible binoculars) so they could go birding again.

Lena also visited an orphanage where the kids dove into birding with great enthusiasm and eagerness.  Their authentic curiosity and love of learning made her wish that she could stay back to start a Nicaragua Young Birders Club!  In a country where poverty and politics undercut progress towards environmental conservation, it is even more essential to expose children to natural environments and wildlife, as well as to nurture their sense of wonder and love of exploring.  Resources are very limited in a country like Nicaragua, where families struggle with basic day-to-day needs, such as acquiring nourishing meals.  Children have no access to optics and books that would enhance their appreciation of the natural world, not to mention knowledgeable mentors who could guide them.  Hopefully someday this will change.

The American Birding Association is trying to make a difference in Latin America with the Birders’ Exchange program.  Birders' Exchange collects donated new and used equipment and distributes it to researchers, educators, and conservationists working to protect birds and their habitats throughout Latin America and the Caribbean but who lack basic equipment, such as binoculars and field guides.  If you are interested in learning more or helping out, visit http://bex.aba.org/.

The Maine Young Birders Club is proud to do young birder outreach wherever we may find ourselves on the globe!

All photography and videos by Lena Moser.

Boys birding in Pochocuape

Excited about spotting a bird

Girl trying to identify a bird.

Warblerin' at Florida Lake

By Lena Moser

Migration is now in full swing, and to make the most of it, we traveled to a renowned migrant trap: Florida Lake in Freeport.  We were well-rewarded, with good looks at several warbler species: Wilson's, Black-throated Blue, Canada, Black-throated Green, Nashville, and Northern Parula.  One of our highlights was seeing a singing Ovenbird through the scope!  We also had a Blue-headed Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, and great looks at a singing Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Some species are already busy constructing nests; we watched a Red-breasted Nuthatch flying to and from its nest hole in a dead snag, and we saw a Black-capped Chickadee carry a beak full of lichen to its nest hole, too.  A hunched-over Green Heron was a treat to see at the lake, as well as a Cliff Swallow cruising over the water.  To view our full eBird checklist for Florida Lake, click HERE.  

Aside from birds, we found many Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) egg masses.  Some of us thought they could be Wood Frog eggs, but there are several clues that synched our identification: the gelatinous sheath around the egg mass (Wood Frogs don't have that), the number of eggs (Wood Frogs have about 300 in a typical mass), the location in the center of the water column (Wood Frogs' masses are usually located at the surface), and stage (most, but not all, Wood Frog egg masses have hatched out by now).  What a great lesson!

After Florida Lake, we headed over to the Captain William Fitzgerald Recreation and Conservation Area in Brunswick for our target species: Prairie Warbler.  We lucked out and saw a couple of gorgeous Prairies, as well as Field Sparrows, Ospreys, and a close Broad-winged Hawk and Bald Eagle.  Our full eBird list is HERE.  Not too bad for an early May birding day!  

Special thanks to our guest-birder-of-the-day, Seth Davis.  Seth is currently doing postdoctoral neuroscience research at the University of New England.  He helped us spot many birds today with his sharp eyes, and he let us use his scope to see birds up-close.  Thanks for joining us, Seth!

Photos by Lena Moser:

Field Trip #2: Scarborough Marsh

By Lena Moser

For our second trip, we ventured out to Scarborough Marsh and surroundings.  Highlights were numerous Glossy Ibis, Green-winged Teal, Greater Yellowlegs, and very large rafts of Long-tailed Ducks at Pine Point.  We also saw a couple of showy American Oystercatchers at Pine Point, and three species of swallow: Tree, Barn, and Northern Rough-winged.  

Raptors were cooperative, too.  We had an adult Bald Eagle fly directly over our heads twice, and we had good looks at an Osprey hovering in mid-air, as well as a Sharp-shinned Hawk gaining lift in a thermal.  Sebastian spotted a far-off Little Blue Heron in the hazy distance at Pelreco (great eye!)  We said "hi" to a friendly, outdoor Siamese cat at Pine Point and had a good discussion about the severe impact of outdoor cat predation on birds.  Overall, the day was sunny, warm, and beautiful... we truly enjoyed being out together in the field!

Our eBird checklists can be found here: Eastern Trail, Dunstan Landing, Pelreco, Pine Point.

Our First Trip Ever!

By Lena Moser

We are happy to report that our first Maine Young Birders Club trip was a huge success!  We had eight young birders join: 6 boys and 2 girls, ages 10 to 16 from York, Kennebunk, Brunswick, and Searsmont.  

Highlights were the gorgeous Canvasback at Fortunes Rocks, as well as great looks at displaying Hooded Merganser males, a close flock of a dozen Horned Larks, nearby Surf Scoters (definitely a "wow" factor), and many other sea birds. We truly enjoyed our time out with the kids, who were enthusiastic and definitely happy to be out in nature.  It was also nice to meet and interact with supportive parents who are encouraging their kids' interest and expressed a wish to financially support the MYBC.

Our full eBird checklists can be found here.