Lena Moser, Co-Founder of MYBC
Marion Sprague, MYBC's newest Co-Coordinator
By Lena Moser
With spring unfurling into full bloom, the Maine Young Birders Club is also going through some changes. Lena Moser, who co-founded the club and ran it as a Co-Coordinator for almost two years, is leaving the club due to some big life events. She has a baby boy on the way (any day now!), and this August, she will be moving to Deerfield, Massachusetts, where her husband will be working as a Physics Teacher at Deerfield Academy.
Lena feels extremely grateful that she and Nathan Hall collaborated in building MYBC from the ground up. Starting a new organization with the mission of getting young birders out into the field has been incredibly rewarding work, and Lena is thankful for the many blessings she has experienced along the way through MYBC, including the support of many individuals and organizations, the new friendships, meaningful interactions with parents, and especially the joy of seeing young birders' faces light up as they are having fun birding together. Lena has truly enjoyed creating opportunities for young birders to spend time out-of-doors, where they can learn more about birds, make lasting memories, and forge new connections with peers.
While Lena is sad to be leaving the club, she is also excited about its future. Fortunately, MYBC was able to find the perfect Co-Coordinator to continue MYBC's mission and work. Her name is Marion Sprague, and with her leadership, combined with that of Seth Davis, MYBC will continue to flourish and do great things.
Marion grew up in with the boreal forests of Downeast Maine as her backyard. She moved to Portland in 2001 to finish her BA in English Literature at the University of Southern Maine, and she now lives in Westbrook with her fiancé.
Marion has loved birds as long as she can remember. Her passion for nature was influenced heavily by her grandparents who taught her to appreciate the birds, trees, and wildflowers of Maine. Initially a casual birdwatcher, this changed when Marion bought her home in 2014. Once she began to carefully study the diversity of birds visiting her feeders, a true bird nerd was born! Marion is currently undertaking in-depth natural history training through the renowned Maine Master Naturalist Program.
The mentors in Marion's life have helped deepen her appreciation, knowledge, and love of birds, and she is excited to help ignite this same spark in Maine’s young birders.
MYBC couldn't be more thrilled to have Marion join the club as one of its capable and passionate leaders!
Marion's favorite birds: Baltimore Oriole, Northern Parula, and Great Blue Heron.