Brit Fox, MYBC's newest Co-Coordinator
MYBC is thrilled to officially welcome Brit to the coordinator team!
Brit is the newest Maine Young Birder’s Club coordinator, joining the team in 2024. Prior to joining, Brit regularly attended MYBC outings and was always floored by the interest, excitement, and knowledge of the young birders. She currently lives in York, Maine with her husband, daughter, son, dog, and cats. Brit has been birding since 2012 and has a particular interest in the birds in her own backyard. She's seen species such as northern shrike, eastern meadowlark, and blue-winged warblers right out her front door. As an animal welfare professional for over a decade, Brit has a keen interest in nature education and helping kids discover and explore the amazing natural world around them. .
Favorite Birds: Dovekie, Bohemian Waxwing, and Fox Sparrow