Florida Lake

By Laurie Pocher

Florida Lake in Freeport did not disappoint this weekend. There weren’t many Warbler species — it’s still a bit early in the season — but we did see plenty of Palm Warblers wagging their tails and Yellow-Rumped Warblers flitting about after insects. We heard both Red-Breasted and White-Breasted Nuthatches, but didn’t get to see either of them. Ruby-Crowned and Golden-Crowned Kinglets were also pretty vocal throughout the morning.

The Tree Swallows were also actively working to reduce the bug population, and many were investigating nesting options. Brown-Headed Cowbirds supervised from the tree tops around the lake, and a few pairs of Canada Geese got into a pretty heated territory dispute. Ring-Necked Ducks and Mallards were feeding on the lake, along with a lone Pied-Billed Grebe.

A couple of Broad-Winged Hawks, a Coopers Hawk and an Osprey soared overhead. We hiked through the woods to a ‘hidden pond’ where we spooked a male Wood Duck. We got to see some salamander eggs in a vernal pool along the trail, and had a wonderful encounter with a Garter Snake. On our way out, we heard the unmistakable sound of a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker drumming on a dead tree.

Click here to view our full eBird checklist for Florida Lake.

Photos by Laurie Pocher and Marion Sprague: